A case study showing how our Consultants helped a Leading Asian Mobile Operator steady their pricing again after a devastating 80 percent drop in their average price per minute in a single year as a result of hypercompetitive marketing environment.
A leading Asian mobile operator who had observed a devastating 80 percent drop in their average price per minute in just a single year as the result of a hypercompetitive marketing environment. We were asked to develop a strategy that would steady pricing and put the carrier on a track to revenue growth. As a result of in-depth consumer exploration, an evaluation of the pricing environment and competitive strategy, and our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of price wars, we made the following recommendations -
The amalgamation of these recommendations reversed the downward spiral; revenue growth was restored within 12 months, the company’s position as the country’s leading brand was fortified, and the brand became so much more appealing to retailers and distributors that their number increased by more than 20 percent.